National Bee Unit - "Bee Base" Registration

by Peter Folge (HBKA Chairman)

Further to discussions during the FERA Conference last week some of the discussions were based on Bee Base

This site has now been revamped and has been given even more protection to prevent identity of any known apiary sites by not revealing any information of these apiaries and their owners. All previous inspections and diagnostics can be viewed once personally registered by the beekeeper (not by the bee inspector).

Due to "Data Protection" the Bedfordshire Beekeeper's Association have included within their Membership  a clause which automatically gives members consent for their details to be used and given to the National Bee Unit for inspectors to visit as and when deemed necessary.

This is something that we should consider the Hertfordshire Beekeepers to do also, although there will be some divisions who may object? I would like to suggest that {divisions} make provisions to get new members included. So far this has not been an issue and every member has been happy to get involved and new bee colonies have so far nearly all been inspected.

We already have a good case example: Members joined and purchased bees last year but have not renewed. Therefore potentially these beekeepers may never get inspected and if within a disease outbreak area or only needing to obtain new bees they could be a potential source of infection.

A new Welwyn member, at the time, did acquire bees from outside Hertfordshire two years ago which was found full of EFB (European Foul Brood) last year and we will now need careful monitoring in the Welwyn area (5km radius from source) for the next couple of years. From the disease levels the bees must have carried the infection for at least the duration of the year or even brought it with them.

Perhaps we can give this some serious thought and we like the Bedfordshire Beekeepers' can incorporate a clause at the end of our Members Application Forms. This would be simple and easy to administer.

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