Notes from County Executive Meeting

Bee World on Saturday 22nd September 2007 at Capel Manor will be co-ordinated by Dennis Osborne of Bishop's Stortford. As Divisions may be approached for ideas or help by Dennis, please give assistance as it will be your Divisions turn in the future. The Divisional rota was passed at HBKA AGM.

Divisional Annual Rota

PresidentPublic Exhibition
Bishops Stortford20102007
North Herts20112008
SE Herts20122009
St Albans20132010
West Herts20152012

Proposed by David Wingate and seconded by Paul Cooper and accepted nem con.

I am grateful to Dennis and Bishop's Stortford Division for overcoming the initial difficulties of finding a co-ordinator.

Robin Dartington's project of bringing bee keeping to the general public with the setting up of Hitchin Bee Centre also requires support.

New projects and ways of moving events forward often appear difficult and to some impossible, but life moves on. Sometimes we need to make a positive leap into the unknown to reach a goal. With no faith or vision into the future, how would man have achieved so much from simple hunter gatherers to now.

Anne Wingate
Chairman HBKA E.C.

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