Managing Varroa and Foulbrood and Other Common Brood Disorders

by Andy Wattam, National Bee Inspector

Ladies & Gentlemen

This is to let you know that the NBU Advisory Leaflets entitled Managing Varroa and Foulbrood and Other Common Brood Disorders have been reprinted due to demand and old stocks running out. They have not been vastly changed, as a more thorough review of all advisory material is on-going.

Printed copies can be obtained by letting us know how many copies you would like and we will arrange to get them sent to you direct from the National Bee Unit.

Alternatively they can be downloaded as PDF documents from Beebase to your PC: 


Also the handover period from myself to your new Regional Bee Inspector Keith Morgan is complete and you are now in Keith's hands, or vice versa perhaps.

Keith's contacts are as follow, and they are different from his previous ones:

Telephone: 01485 545838
Mobile Telephone: 07919 004215
E Mail Address:

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