West Herts news by Margaret Tighe

By the time you read this it will be over four months since our last apiary meeting and the thought of those very pleasant Saturday afternoon apiary meetings, last year, seem to be a distant memory now!

On my first hive inspection this year it was a cold day and the bees were not venturing out. I opened the top of my small brood, which was a swarm or possibly a cast which we collected early in July, to ensure they had enough candy.  I was pleased to see the bees busy inside having survived the cold weather so far! I tried to listen to my larger hive which I did not want to disturb unnecessarily as it had plenty of food on it, but there was a tractor in the neighbouring field so I could not hear. I have since been advised by a very experienced beekeeper that, if one puts one's hand over the top of a hive, in cold weather, it should be possible to feel warmth coming up from an active hive. I will test this out on my next visit!

We will be having an AGM in the next month or so and members will be notified as soon as the date is arranged.

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