March 2010

Hertfordshire Beekeepers Association AGM

27th March 2010

Memorial Hall, 11a Lower Green, Tewin

12:00 AGM
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Skep Making by Ray Smith (Bedfordshire BKA librarian)
15:00 Rothamsted bee research by Juliette Osborne (Pollination Ecologist)

Editorial by Paul Cooper

When is spring going to start? With this prolonged cold and wet winter we're having, it is all the more important to ensure that colonies have enough food. The queen is laying more so as to have plenty of adult bees when the spring flowers come into blossom. So bees need pollen (often collecting from catkins at this time of year) and honey stores which, if depleted, can be supplemented with fondant/candy.

Details of the HBKA AGM have now been published. Please come along even if it is only for the afternoon talks about skep making and the research being performed at Hertfordshire's own bee research establishment in Harpenden.

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