Items For Sale
- Taylor's tinplate electric 10 frame radial extractor £80
- Taylor's tinplate 6 frame Hand driven tangential extractor £45
- The electric extractor is in excellent condition. However being tin plate these extractors should not be used for commercial purposes.
- There are also tin plate settling tanks which definitely should only to be used as antiques for display stands etc. £7.50 each.
- 70 x 25kg (Rowse) plastic storage buckets which could be converted into settling tanks by adding a tap. £2.00 each as new.
- There are also two uncapping trays: large electric £20 & small £6
Contact: Jo Far, Breachwood Grn. 01438 833170
Items for Sale
For sale due to overseas move:
- 9 Langstroth Colonies (9 5/8” brood chamber + plastic queen excluder + 9 5/8” super + open mesh floor + inner cover + felt roof + plastic division board feeder)
- 29 Langstroth Brood Chambers / Supers (9 5/8”) – treated, assembled, and painted
- 4 5-frame Langstroth Nucleus Hives with inner cover & open mesh floor
- 1 Langstroth Mating Hive (3 removable divisions on open mesh floor)
- 1 Open Mesh Floor for Langstroth Hive
- 3 Roofs with felt covering for Langstroth Hive
- 1 British Standard Nucleus Colony with inner cover & open mesh floor
- 1 British Standard Nucleus Hive with inner cover & open mesh floor
- 2 WBC hives (empty) with various bits & parts
- 2 Jumbo Rapid Feeders
- 5 Warnholz Mating Hives
Due to urgent need to sell, will negotiate on prices. Contact: Philip Swinn 01707 692000 or 07531 794806
Apiary Sites
There is now the possibility of an apiary site in Breachwood Grn (7 miles from Welwyn) that can be used and has a dry storage shelter and can comfortably site 10+ hives.
Orchard site in Harthall Lane, Bedmond, Herts available for experienced beekeeper. Good access to site. For details contact Bob Poole Tel: 07714 256403.