West Herts news by Margaret Tighe

Our first apiary meeting was held on 17th April. It was a little later than usual this year as the one scheduled for 3rd April had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.

The 17th was a lovely warm spring day and the meeting was very well attended. It was especially nice to welcome Alan Parrott, who is based in France, and then it is not usually able to attend our apiary meetings. 

The two new Association hives where in situ and, following an introductory talk by Bob Whittingham, it was decided that it would be useful to divide the new members and interested parties into two parts. Having done this Alan Parrott along with Andy Clavey and Lindsay Bruce taught one group about frame making, whilst the second group watched Bob Whittingham go through the first Association hive.  The two groups then changed places and the second hive was looked at whilst the others had their frame making lesson.

There seems to have been very few colony losses reported from our more experienced beekeepers so we look forward to a few pounds of spring honey - hopefully not too dandelion flavoured!!

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