Welwyn news by Peter Mathews

Many thanks to everyone for helping to make our Apiary Day a big success. We were more, or less, on schedule excepting the last few visits. Huge thanks to everyone being at the right place on time. And, special thanks to Fizzi, Christine and The Folges for providing refreshment stops.

We had 14 people involved including 5 new or prospective members. I lost count of the number of hives. Varroa levels were very low, which is good. But, so were the number of strong colonies, largely because of varroa related winter losses through incorrect treatment last autumn. We will all do better this year, maybe.

The award for Best Hive again goes to Peter Hills......this was very strong, with lots of honey and the quietest, best behaved bees seen during the day. Peter is amongst a minority of small beekeepers to invest in a quality queen. The value of doing this was well demonstrated. Perhaps we should learn?

The most interesting colony was mine. This had two queens. The old light queen was in the process of supercedure as she was crippled and unable to lay. On the same frame we saw the new dark queen with recent brood and eggs following a gap of 2-3 barren weeks.

Diary Dates
Saturday 7th July - Apiary Meeting at Raffin Green at 10.30am ; Welwyn stand at 'Ayots Horticultural Show', Ayot Green, 2 - 5 pm. We need helpers for our stand during the afternoon.

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