North Herts news by John Hill

Unfortunately, this month’s contribution has had to be written well before the end of June because of an impending holiday, so I hope that readers will understand. In fact I can only report on the one meeting held at Robin Dartington’s Apiary at Letchworth. About five NH members turned up plus ‘an interested prospective’ member, but Robin had a number of “admirers/disciples” with him and it all made for an interesting afternoon. We examined about six or so hives, all with varying aspects of bee husbandry evident. One queen met her demise due to an unfortunate “slip” with a super box., but we did manage to mark about three or four queens with Robin’s special “Humbrol” paint, and we had to wait quite a while for it to dry. The hives were Robin’s ‘specials’ and there were many variants of occupancy, ranging from colonies on many/ few frames, and nucleus boxes perched on one another. Thanks to Robin for a great tea served ‘al fresco’ by his many ‘helpers’. We all went home replete, and the weather was extremely kind too.

As far as the bees at Boxwood are concerned ,we’ve had all sorts of problems, …artificial swarms that didn’t take, absconding bees, no queens, (even when frames of eggs and brood were introduced from alternative sources). Plenty of swarms to collect, …however, and lots of activity, BUT STILL VERY LITTLE CROP!! At mid June there seems to be some encouraging signs, but I think the bees have missed the ‘nectar boat’ and we shall have to treat very soon. Not much Varroa to be seen at this time. Still, I expect all will change in the coming month!!

The Hitchin Bee Centre seems to have attracted a lot of “blog” attention, to say the least! I don’t intend getting embroiled in the discussion, but I would say that many facts have been distorted, and certain ‘faits accomplis’ were very evident in the printed matter that has appeared during the past month… There’s a saying… “Don’t confuse me with facts once I have started the job” …(‘Nuf said!!).

The meeting in July will be on the 14th, at Nortonbury apiary, where about six members have their hives. Please note the time …14.30 hrs. It is hoped that the Bee Inspector, Peter Heath, will put in an appearance, and lead the proceedings. At this point in time I do not yet have the date for Andy Johnston’s meeting in mid August… (There could be some frantic ‘phone calls?…).

The answer to last month’s puzzle regarding the clock, and how many times the minute hand passes the hour hand between noon and midnight, was surprisingly,… Ten times. "Go on check it!"

Here’s another for your consideration:- “A clock takes five seconds when striking 6. How long will it take when striking twelve?”.

So, finally:
The men that worked for England
They have their graves at home:
And the bees and birds of England
About the cross can roam.

But they that fought for England,
Following a fallen star,
Alas, alas for England
They have their graves afar,

And they that rule for England,
In stately conclave met,
Alas, alas for England
They have no graves as yet.
G. K. Chesterson. 1874-1936.

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