BBKA ADM report

by Peter Mathews 

A few notes from today's ADM. These are very brief and more details will appear on the BBKA website and 'BBKA News'


  1. Increase in capitation of £1 pppa. This was CARRIED. Capitation for Registered Members will be £15 from next year.
    N.B.  This is not linked to the cessation of pesticide approvals.
  2. Review of the Development of Intellectual Property. CARRIED.
    This will allow BBKA to be involved in a wide range of collaboration with other bodies, including manufacturers of agro-chemicals.
  3. BBKA cease any commercial relations with agrochemical companies incl use of BBKA logo on approved products. CARRIED.
    After suitable amendment by BBKA, this motion was carried. Martin Smith (President) made a special plea to all delegates to support this motion. In its amended form the proposition simply reflects the announcement on cessation of pesticide approval made in November. Thus the vote approves what has already been done.
    In its orginal form the proposition from Twickenham would have resulted in anomalies [eg some of last year's stand holders at the Spring Convention would attend free of charge].
  4. Partner / Junior Membership
    This would allow juniors to join as Partner members correcting an anomaly. CARRIED.
  5. Introduction of a new category of Junior members.     CARRIED
    The Exec originally advised against this proposition on administrative grounds eg Criminal Record checks etc. In practice there will be no involvement by BBKA. Any special legal requirements to accommodate juniors will be down to the divisions.
  6. British Queen Raising Programme.   CARRIED
  7. Changes to Rules describing Membership Database Updates. CARRIED

There is one application for a new association (Cleveland) and two special groups.  CARRIED

Please refer to 'BBKA News' for more detail of the actual propositions.


  • Jane Moseley was formally adopted as General Secretary and presented with her badge of office - Well done Jane !
    In her reply she said that she intends visiting associations to gain a better understanding of how they work, and what they want from the BBKA.
  • Tim Lovett and Norman Carrick were awarded Honorary Membership.
  • The new BBKA website will be launched at the Spring Convention [the sample page looked pretty similar to Herts Bees to me!  I did suggest they look at our website last year]
  • New sponsors for Adopt a Hive are Berts Bees products.
  • 'BBKA News' is going colour and monthly. It will not replace 'Bee Craft' and will contain completely different information. The newsletter goes to all members. Only about 30% of the membership take 'BeeCraft'.
    [This largely gives support to Paul Cooper's question, "Do we need a separate Herts newsletter?" - a question he posed before this announcement. Perhaps not, Paul.]
  • The new 'Yellow' Course In A Case (for Novices) is now available. £50 for first, then £95.
  • The changes to the Rules regarding the database have an important consequence. The list of members issued by BBKA in Spring and Autumn will be used for billing right or wrong. In other words, there will be no scope for correcting the list after the due date. The onus is on us to ensure all additions and amendments are made in good time. It will be especially important to delete lapsed members otherwise they will be charged (strictly no refunds).
    Currently, associations have been correcting the list way into the summer with capitation coming in 3 or 4 months late. Whilst the rules are harsh, life should be simpler for all. And, if we overpay, it is simply down to our own inefficiency.

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