North Herts news by Christine Phillips (May 2010)

The following should have appeared last month but got lost in the email.

Apologies to North Herts.

Now that our last indoor meeting of the season has passed, a long summer of bees and apiary visits and honey awaits – I hope. All dates will be on the calendar section of the website, but since the last newsletter there are a few new items:

May 15th at 2.00pm Annual clear-up at N. Herts Association apiary at Nortonbury – mainly strimming nettles and chopping down elder. All volunteers welcome.

May 28th at 7.30pm a talk on “Colony Collapse Disorder” at Letchworth Settlement (in Nevells Road, Letchworth). This is one of a series of science lectures and presumably aimed at non-beekeepers. Entry is £5 but free entry is offered to real beekeepers in return for a jar of home produced honey! Contact the Settlement to book your place on 01462 682828

June 5th and 6th. BBC Springwatch is coming to Fairlands Valley Lakes in Stevenage from 12 midday on Saturday 5th June until midday on Sunday 6th. This is linked to something called Bio Blitz and will involve 24 hours of bat watching, bumble bee recording etc. We have been invited to take part. Peter Bracey and Brian Fairey have offered to provide a display of honeybee information, honey for sale and an observation hive, for a few hours each day. As there are likely to be a lot of visitors to this event they would welcome offers of help and need 2 or 3 more people for each day. Please contact Peter or Brian if you can spare an hour or two.

July 3rd at 5.30pm Apiary meeting at Standalone Farm. (Dave Mathews and others) This meeting has to be after the visitors to the farm have left so note unusual time.

July 17th 10am – 3.00pm Earth Day, a new event, in Letchworth town centre. More details later, but again displays of information and volunteers to talk to the public about bees and beekeeping are needed.

I wish everyone a good summer, healthy bees and lots of honey, and hope to see you at some of the events.

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