South East Herts - April 2012

by John Mumford (Hon Sec)

The March Winter Meeting - a talk by Oonagh Gabriel about the BBKA Basic Assessment, was unfortunately poorly attended however it turned out to be most informative about a variety of subjects.

At the HBKA AGM the new Constitution was adopted despite a number of items that will have to be changed at some other time or other. The HBKA Treasurer presented the accounts which showed a very healthy surplus, no items were recorded for Fixed Assets : - Honey Show Cups - and a WBC hive presented by Mrs. Crawford a few years ago. The Bring and buy/Car Boot sale turned out to be quite popular with sales of around £120.00.

A mnemonic for remembering Queen Marking Colours -

Year ending with a 1 or 6 White or Grey
Year Ending with a 2 or 7 Yellow
Year ending with a 3 or 8 Red
Year ending with a 4 or 9 Green
Year ending with a 5 or 0 Blue

Will You Raise Good Bees

The bees have done very well during the recent warm unseasonable weather. I have been through all of my colonies (end of March) they are all showing lots of stored pollen and some fresh nectar. Four to Five combs of sealed brood seems to be the average - and that means that in the next two week some 16,000 to 20,000 bees will emerge from their cells. Supers will have to go on a couple of weeks earlier than normal (what is normal nowadays?)- not for honey storage, but room for the bees. The old combs that I put to the sides of the brood chamber have been removed and I will add frames of foundation as the bees need them.

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