SE Herts news by Jon Mumford

BeeCraft - anyone wishing to take BeeCraft in 2007 should contact our Treasurer Roy Cropley on 01992 xxxxxx and let him know before 20th December 2006. It has nothing to do with the divisions, it is the way BeeCraft want to do business.

There is no Newsletter in January so we need to start thinking now about February 2007. The AGM will be held at 8.00pm on Thursday 15th February at the Hoddesdon Baptist Church Hall. This is the chance for members to have their say in the running of the division and put forward their thoughts and ideas about what the division should be doing, and to volunteer to help with the divisions activities.

We have a Committee Meeting arranged for Wednesday 10th January 2007 at (details in newsletter) when we will begin planning our activities for the new season.

Have a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year to you all, and may your Bees also enjoy a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

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