by Peter Mathews
Our annual subscriptions include a contribution to BDI Ltd giving insurance cover for brood diseases i.e. American Foul Brood or European Foul Brood. Divisions pay £2 to BDI for all registered members giving cover for up to 3 hives. Further hives can be added for an additional premium. It is important to declare, and pay for, the maximum number of hives you may expand to during the summer. If you don't, you may find that you are not covered at all. Payments to BDI are due on the 1st April at the same time as BBKA capitation.
For people acquiring bees from April onwards, payments from their divisional treasurer are due on the 1st September i.e. same as BBKA autumn return. If you fall into this group you are covered 40 days after the payment date on your BDI certificate (don't lose these!). If you are a new member, make sure you pay your subscription in good time. Treasurers should ensure they date receipt-certificates when they receive payment and not two weeks later. Your treasurer holds certificate copies on behalf of BDI until these are sent in with the autumn payment.
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