St Albans news by Anne Wingate

I hope you are all looking forward to a new year of bee keeping. I know some of you have taken the advice to prepare for the coming season. Let's hope it is a good one.

At present, mid January, the cold weather is encouraging the pigeon and collared doves to destroy the oil seed rape (OSR). In the past this has meant OSR flowers later. The hazel catkins are 1 1/2 inches long in some sheltered spots but the weather too wet and cold for the bees to fly far from the hive.

Thanks to those of you who attended the AGM in January. Your Committee works hard on your behalf, so we need your support.

The first meeting of the year is at 8pm on 15th February at U.R. Church Hall, Chiswell Green and the subject is "Disease Update" by Eileen Remnant. There will be time to talk about early spring management, so come along and meet your fellow bee keepers.

I hope you will see elsewhere the details of Herts AGM. and the speaker Martin Buckle. If anyone can offer help with teas and clearing up please phone me.

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